Kickstart 2024 with a Fresh Content Strategy




Are you ready to give your business a fresh start in 2024? A clear content strategy can be the path to your success. Here, we'll learn about what, who, where, and how to post to reach your business goals. We'll also see how I create my content strategy for 2024 using my Notion template.

Step 1: Define Your Business Objectives & social media goals

First things first, think about your goals. What do you want to achieve with your social media marketing efforts? Perhaps you want to generate more leads or drive more traffic to your website. These goals will shape your content strategy.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Audience

Next, think about who you want to reach with your content. A great way to do this is by creating a customer persona. This is a fictional character who represents your ideal customer. For example, I've created a persona called Selena. I've written down her demographics, like her age, job, and where she lives. You can get to know your audience better by creating a survey with questions about their problems, goals, and interests, and sharing it on your social media platforms.

Step 3: Identify Your Content Pillars

Your content pillars are the main topics you'll focus on in your content. These should match the interests and needs of your target audience. Choose five main topics and then come up with 2-3 subtopics for each. For example, your main topics might be promotional, educational, inspirational, community, and entertaining. Your subtopics could include the services you offer, how your onboarding process works, or how your digital products can help your audience.

Step 4: Choose Your Platforms

Next, decide on a long-form platform (like a blog) and a short-form platform (like social media). This will make it easier to plan your content calendar and repurpose content. For example, if you create a video about creating a content strategy, you could cut down this video into smaller clips for social media.

Step 5: Create and Distribute Your Content

Finally, you're ready to create your content. Start with a long-form video, then make 2-3 short-form videos from it. You could also create a carousel post for social media and promote the video in a newsletter.

By following these steps, you'll have a solid content strategy for 2024. Good luck!


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