you deserve your time back. LET semillas creative take over your social media tasks…

creative services

  • Planning & strategy

    A successful social media presence requires careful planning and strategic execution. We'll work closely with you to develop a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with your business objectives.

  • Content Creation & Curation

    With a community-led approach, we focus on creating content that resonates with your audience and fosters meaningful connections.

  • Branded Templates

    Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity on social media. We will create visually appealing and cohesive branded templates for your social media posts.

Reclaim Control of Your Social Media Journey with Just One Call!

We get it; you’re busy, and we want to make your client booking experience as effortless as scrolling through your preferred social media platform for hours.

From the initial discovery call to the final steps of setting up your personalized client hub, we've streamlined every aspect to ensure convenience and efficiency.

Discovery Call:

Step 1: Book your discovery call. In this initial discussion, we delve into understanding your business and address any questions concerning our methods and pricing.

Proposal and Contract:

Step 2: Utilizing our secure and preferred CRM system, Honeybook, we send across all necessary documents. It's a safe and efficient method to finalize agreements. Once the contract is signed, consider yourself officially booked!

Kick-off Call and Client Hub Setup:

Step 3: Post the contract completion, we'll schedule a kick-off call and we begin constructing your client hub on Notion. This personalized space will house your content strategy, content calendar, and other important social media resources.

Process Overview and Commencement:

Step 4: During the kick-off call, we provide a comprehensive overview of our operational workflow. This ensures a smooth transition into the commencement of our collaborative journey.

ready to book a social media manager to take over your socials so you can focus on what you do best?


  • We cater to a broad spectrum of platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

  • Yes, our packages are designed to cater to a variety of business needs, from startups to established brands. We offer different tiers and can customize a package based on your specific requirements.

  • Due to the nature of our work and the importance of monitoring analytics and achieving sustainable results, we primarily offer three-to-six month packages. However, if you're solely interested in a one-time service, perhaps for a specific product launch or event, we have customized packages available. These special packages require a one-time payment and are tailored to meet your specific project needs.

  • At Semillas Creative, we deeply value transparency, especially when it comes to pricing. We understand that budgets can vary depending on where our clients are in their business journey. Our social media management packages for one platform start at a range of $650/month to $1,500. If you require services for two or more platforms, prices begin at $2,000 and can vary upwards based on specific needs and additional services.

  • We use Notion to create and manage all content produced by Semillas Creative. It's user-friendly, and our clients can easily create a free account to approve and review all content.

  • Once the content is ready, we'll share it with you on Notion. You can review, provide feedback, or request changes directly within the platform. Our goal is to ensure you're completely satisfied with every post.

  • Absolutely! We believe in transparency and data-driven strategies. Monthly reports are shared to provide insights into the performance of your social media campaigns.


I strongly believe in the power of sharing your story. I have witnessed the impact of a content strategy that aligns with your business objectives on your social media presence. Social media is a powerful marketing tool that, if used correctly, can help you achieve your goals and grow your business. Simply posting content or having good SEO is not enough. It requires a personalized, intentional, and inclusive content strategy.

How can I assist you in achieving this? By teaching you the


Showcase your uniqueness

Engage with authenticity

Maintain consistency

Identify Your Themes

Leverage your voice

Listen & learn

Analyze your progress

Stay relevant